
During the year, the Resilience Network organises meetings for its members (also at the annual ECNP Congress).

10th International symposium on resilience research
25-27 September 2024, Mainz, Germany

Leading resilience experts from around the world meet to present and debate the latest in resilience research. The annual meeting has become the most important gathering for international resilience researchers and shapes the field of research every year. Find details of the event website here.

The highly relevant topics can be viewed in the programme. The session titles include:

  • Hot topics in stress research
  • Neurogenesis: how newborn neurons promote resilience
  • Cellular and molecular mechanisms of stress and resilience: focus on metabolism
  • Complex resilience: networks and processes
  • Shaping resilience through innovative interventions

How to register
The deadline to register and to submit an abstract for poster presentation was 31 July 2024.

There will be lots of opportunities for Early Career Scientists: with short talks, poster presentations, poster awards and networking opportunities. 
Read more.

ECNP Resilience Network junior shell
The ECNP Resilience network has brought together clinical and preclinical resilience researchers from all career stages with the intent to foster interdisciplinary collaboration.

Within the network emerged a dedicated group of early career researchers with the intent to put the network’s mission to practice in the long run, by investing in three main pillars:

  1. Transversal, replicable and open research: Establish universal and applicable experiments, translational models, and interventions to study resilience. Share and discuss novel research concepts, ideas and technologies within the field.
  2. Integrative framework: Promote and implement a holistic approach to the wide, complex and diverse field of resilience research, moving from an individual-centered perspective of resilience to an integrative one.
  3. Updated and unifying communication: in and out of the scientific community: Renew the most commonly used concepts and terminologies in the field. Disseminate the most recent advances through research articles, podcasts, webinars, etc.

With this unifying approach we will lay a solid foundation for future studies, providing a common framework and understanding that enhances the coherence and impact of resilience research.

Junior shell team members

Milou Sep  Amsterdam University Medical Center  Amsterdam  The Netherlands 
Thomaz Bastiaanssen University College Cork
Cork Ireland
Aurelia Viglione  Istituto Superiore di Sanità  Rome  Italy 
Nuno Alves  University of Minho  Braga  Portugal 
Stella Voulgaropoulou  Maastricht University  Maastricht  The Netherlands 
Joeri Bordes  Université Bordeaux  Bordeaux  France 
Benjamin Jurek  Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry  Munich  Germany 
Pasquale Paribello  University of Cagliari  Cagliari  Italy 


Recommended publications

Editors   Years   Title   Link 
Manchia et al.
 2022  The impact of the prolonged Covid19 pandemic on stress resilience and mental health  European Neuropsychopharmacology
Vinkers et al.
 2020  Stress resilience during the coronavirus pandemic
 European Neuropsychopharmacology


Stress and resilience during the corona crisis

Useful link
STRESS-EU database