Winners ECNP Poster Awards 2017

Winners ECNP Poster Awards at the 30th ECNP Congress 2017, Paris, France

View the abstracts and posters here.

P.1 Basic and clinical neuroscience
Impact of selective manipulation of nucleus accumbens local microcircuits on D2-medium spiny neurons (MSN)-dependent increase in motivation
Carina Soares-Cunha, Portugal

Lack of serotonin 2B receptor gene drives depressive-like phenotype induced by chronic stress: a potential role for microglia?
Ivana D'Andrea, France

P.2 Mood disorders and treatment
Cell-specific immune regulation and metabolic dysfunction in major depressive disorder
Helge Hasselmann, Germany

Structural brain differences between psychotic and non-psychotic bipolar patients
Cecilia Maria Esposito, Italy

P.3 Psychotic disorders and treatment
GPR52 agonists represent a novel approach to treat psychotic disorders and improve cognitive function
Scott Hobson, Germany

P.4 Anxiety disorders, OCD, stress related disorders and treatment
Neural substrates of fear conditioning are modulated by GLRB allelic variation: converging evidence from an independent replication
Ulrike Lueken, Germany

P.6 Addiction
Gender differences in the alcohol-related alterations in cortical activity – a combined TMS-EEG study 
Outi Kaarre, Finland

P.7 Child and adolescent disorders and treatment

Cognitive characterization of offspring of patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and a community control with ADHD traits
Elisa Rodríguez-Toscano, Spain