31st ECNP Congress: Getting closer...
The 31st ECNP Congress is getting closer and we are almost finished with the scientific programme.
This year we received over 1,200 abstracts, of which more than 800 will be presented, with an additional 240 as e-posters.
We would like to thank all the reviewers for the enormous effort they put to select the best abstracts.
CDE grant and travel award winners
Like every year, ECNP offered this year a variety of travel awards for junior scientists and CDE grants for participants from developing-economy countries to recognise and stimulate outstanding research. Out of the many who applied, 40 travel awardees and 40 CDE grant recipients have been chosen.
We would like to congratulate all the winners.
We look forward to see you in Barcelona!
General Assembly of ECNP members
The annual general meeting of members is ECNP’s highest deliberative body and the platform for one of the College’s most fundamental member privileges: ordinary members get the right to vote and help shape ECNP’s future.
The next ECNP General Assembly meeting will take place during the 31st ECNP Congress on Monday 8 October 2018 at 12.15-13.15 at Centre Convercions International de Barcelona (CCIB), Barcelona, Spain.
More on ECNP membership
ECNP will support two new European projects
ECNP is pleased to be part of two new pan-European research projects, conect4children (c4c) and Autism Innovative Medicine Studies‐2‐Trials (AIMS‐2‐Trials), providing dissemination support.
c4c is a public-private partnership to improve clinical trial infrastructure in Europe. A six-year, multimillion- euro project, the c4c consortium comprises a collaborative paediatric network to facilitate the development of new drugs and other therapies for the children adolescents in Europe.
The AIMS‐2‐Trials project is expected to transform the autism research landscape. This project, led by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at King’s College London, has been awarded the largest research grant ever given for neurodevelopmental conditions by the Innovative Medicines Initiative to an international consortium academically, of €115 million grant. The project plans to increase our understanding of autism and help develop new therapies to improve the health and quality of life of autistic people.
We invite your company to be part of future congresses
ECNP Congresses are Europe’s premier showcase for the future of CNS treatments.
ECNP would like to invite companies and organisations involved in clinical and pre-clinical research, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the brain to contribute to the congress’s educational function.
The mission of the ECNP Congress is to bring together under one roof all the many pieces that go to make up the CNS treatment puzzle – from the lab all the way to the pharmacy and clinic.
We hope we can give our participants the opportunity to benefit from your company's information and insights, services, products and literature.
An invitation to join us
Future ECNP Congresses
7-10 September 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark
12-15 September 2020, Vienna, Austria
2-5 October 2021, Lisbon, Portugal
8-11 October 2022, Munich, Germany
7-10 October 2023, Barcelona, Spain
21-24 September 2024, Milan, Italy
TNMs: A few places left...
We are still accepting applications for the following Targeted Network Meetings (TNMs).
- The state of the art; biomarkers for the prediction of suicidal behaviour
Led by the ECNP Suicide Network
- Anxiety disorders across the life span
Organised by the Anxiety Disorders Research Network (ADRN)

Deadline: 1 August 2018
These TNMs will take place right after the 31st ECNP Congress on 10 October 2018 in Barcelona, Spain.
There is no registration fee for the TNMs. Travel and hotel costs are at the participant’s own expense.