32nd ECNP Congress 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark
Many things are happening now in the preparations for
the 2019 ECNP Congress!
Please find below an update.
Scientific programme online
Click here to browse the provisional programme of the 32nd ECNP Congress. The look and feel of the online programme has changed. It now gives you a number of filter/search options and the possibility to view the programme in different ways. You can add sessions to your 'favourites-list' and create PDF files.
More symposia, industry sessions and poster sessions (with abstracts and e-posters) will be added once they become available. The programme will also include abstracts and biographies of the speakers.
Abstract submission for poster presenters is open
Abstracts can be submitted by psychiatrists, neuroscientists, neurologists, psychologists and other professionals from across the world who are keen on discussing the latest developments in the science and treatment of brain disorders.
Early career scientists are also encouraged to submit an abstract. We accept abstracts from a broad range of topics.
Abstracts can be submitted online:

The deadline is 1 April 2019, 23.00 CEST (Central European Summer Time).
The abstracts submitted will be reviewed for:
- Presentation at the congress by means of a poster and e-poster
- Publication on the ECNP congress website and in the ECNP app
Members: host a Brainstorming Session
We are currently accepting proposals for Brainstorming Sessions at the 32nd ECNP Congress taking place in Copenhagen on 7-10 September 2019.
These sessions are small focused interactive sessions organised by ECNP members on a topic of their choice. The organiser of the session and a second expert in that specific field of interest will provide a short introduction and then initiate the discussion with the audience. In total, nine sessions can be organised (three in parallel) on Saturday 7, Sunday 8 and Monday 9 September.
Deadline: 15 January 2019
European Neurospychopharma-cology Award application is open
We are accepting applications for the ECNP Neuropsychopharmacology Award. The award recognises exceptional research achievements in applied and translational neuroscience. The award is granted each year, alternating between basic science and clinical research. The 2019 award will be in clinical research.
The award winner will be honoured with:
- An unrestricted prize of EUR 10,000
- A commemorative statuette and certificate
- An invitation to present a plenary lecture at the upcoming ECNP Congress.
- An invitation to publish a review article in European Neuropsychopharmacology.
In addition, the winner of the award will be asked to join the Award Committee for the duration of one year. The winner may be asked for an interview, to be published in ECNP communication channels.
Apply now for industry sessions!
Companies and organisations involved in clinical and pre-clinical research, diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the brain and looking for a scientifically driven engagement with the participants of the 32nd ECNP Congress can choose between three types of industry sessions:
• Satellite symposia (C)
• Expert science exchange (CE)
• Product theatre sessions (PT)

The deadline for application is 15 December 2018.
If you would still like to apply after 15 December, please contact us.
More detailed information is available on our congress website.