Nominating Committee

How it works
The Nominating Committee nominates candidates for the future Executive Committee (EC).

Its terms of reference are defined by Section 16 of the ECNP Constitution:

The Nominating Committee is appointed by the Executive Committee in office to nominate candidates for the future Executive Committee. The Nominating Committee is constituted of seven members of whom the chair should be the Past President and another member the President-Elect. At least three members must be recruited from outside the Executive Committee. Its members are not eligible for the Executive Committee.

The Nominating Committee will take into account the scientific standing and the geographical distribution of members in coming to their recommendation for the officers and the members of the Executive Committee.


Once appointed, the committee solicits nominations from members and takes soundings from a wide circle of members and stakeholders, to put together a roster of potential candidates.

Criteria include whether candidates are an ECNP member in good standing, whether they have a conflict of interest (by, for example, holding office in a closely related European or international society), and the nature of their organisational and leadership capabilities.

The committee then shapes a final proposal, taking in consideration geographical balance (east/west, north/south), pre-clinical/clinical balance, and gender balance, as well as a balance between renewal (new members) and continuity (existing members).

This proposal is submitted to the General Meeting of Members for ratification. It can be overruled by the General Meeting, if an alternative slate has been put forward by at least fifteen ordinary members.

The Executive Committee can also co-opt up to three additional members to provide special expertise, as needed. Such co-opt members do not have voting rights.

The members of the committee who nominated the Executive Committee 2022-2025 were:

Celso Arango, Spain, Past-president, Chair
Eero Castren, Finland
Francesca Cirulli, Italy
Xenia Gonda, Hungary
Martien Kas, The Netherlands, President-elect
Gitte Knudsen, Denmark, President

The members of the committee who nominated the Executive Committee 2019-2022 were:

Guy Goodwin, United Kingdom, Chair
Celso Arango, Spain
Tomas Hökfelt, Sweden
Gitte Knudsen, Denmark
Ruth McKernan, United Kingdom
Hans-Jürgen Möller, Germany
Wim van den Brink, The Netherlands